Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sleep Paralysis

Have you experience a sudden pressure on your chest and difficulty breathing upon lying down on your bed? Begin to panic and tried to scream but you sound like you've been choked by someone? Congratulations! You have been experiencing Sleep Paralysis.

What is Sleep Paralysis?

Sleep Paralysis "Old Hag Syndrome" is a feeling of awake or conscious but unable to move and speak. You might experience a choking sensation and a deep pressure on your chest. This may last for a few seconds or few minutes. This condition is associated with sleep disorders such as Narcolepsy, Cataplexy and Hypnagogic Hallucination.

Sleep Paralysis is thought to be a Demon or Ghost sitting on your chest which makes a person unable to move. Some people say they see shadow of a demon and some say they see me.

Causes of Sleep Paralysis

Know some possible causes of this episode and you might make some changes on your sleep. These are the causes of Sleep Paralysis.
  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Sleeping on your back / Supine Position
  • Sudden lifestyle changes
  • Substance Abuse
  • Mental conditions

Experience on Sleep Paralysis

Sleep Paralysis is really frightening and we feel a sense of danger during this episode. The first time that this happened to me really made me panic. Not once, not twice, but honestly I can't remember it anymore. I got home from school and I'm so tired that day. I sat on my bed and lay down after a few minutes. It hasn't been 10 minutes when it happened. Bingo! Don't know what to do and the feeling of panic burst and screaming like hell. After that nightmare experience, it keeps on coming 3 to 5 times a month until I get used to it. Hahaha. Yes, after several times experiencing this demonic creature or ghost or whatever it is, panic slowly fades. I bet you do the same thing.

Avoiding Sleep Paralysis

So you think you can avoid it? Yes you can! You just have to make some changes on the Causes that is written above. If you are stressed, then find some time to relax, go out for a vacation and also do some exercise. If you sleep on your back (supine position), try to sleep on your side. Also, STOP taking drugs! your mama will be angry. Lastly, talk to your friends about this experience and they might share some things on how to avoid it. See your doctor if it still bothers you on your sleep.

Beliefs? In the Philippines, if someone is experiencing this, you have to bend your toes in order for it to go away. But I haven't tried this yet. During the episode, I am pissed and I actually fight back by pushing my own body to turn on the side. When it's gone, my heart is pumping really fast as if I almost here it with my ears. OK I'm gonna have to guess...... Sleep Paralysis happened more than 20 times in my experience. So what do I do to avoid it? Well I just put either of my foot over the other. Sounds stupid but it works and I'm doing this more than 2 years already. As I've read people's experiences about this, mostly what they do is to relax and expecting it will go away after a minute. If it's your first time then it's normal that you panic until you get used to it. So what do you do to avoid it?

Who saw you during Sleep Paralysis?

Since it happened many times, It came to my mind that I want someone to see me during Sleep Paralysis. I like the curiosity and I want it to happen. So have you experienced this then? Some people you know like your parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, girlfriend or boyfriend able to see you like that. I wonder what's going to be their reaction.

Surprisingly, my girlfriend saw me during Sleep Paralysis. So here's the short story; On that day, we went out to watch a movie, eat and go around town. What a tiring day and decided to go home and have a rest. I was sitting next to her and decided to take a nap. After a few minutes it happened and I tried to relax my body and screamed so she can hear me. I can see my girlfriend shocked as she look at me making a chocking sound just like in the movie "The Grudge". She just stares at me and don't know what to do so I pushed myself on the side until it go away. After that I told her what just happened.

Let's go to your story too. Did someone saw you during Sleep Paralysis? So what happened then?

If you need more information about Sleep Paralysis, please visit WikiPedia. This might give you a full information about it and may give some answers on your doubts.

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